Beauty Trends to Look Forward to in 2021

 According to all the top Beauty Blog, it is predicted that 2021 will bring revolution in the beauty industry.

Switching up trends and styles is exciting as everyone is looking forward to what’s going to be the next big thing in the beauty industry.Every year, the beauty trends shift from what was being followed before.This is mostly because of the certain trends that were hyped for a certain time die down and people are looking for new things to style themselves with.
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Let’s take a look at what the biggest beauty trends of 2021 will be step-by-step.

Customized skincare and hair care :- Customized skincare and hair care will be all the craze in 2021. Customized skincare products are specifically meant for you and are customized according to every person’s skin needs.Many companies have already started selling customized skincare products that are quickly gaining the attention of many people.Companies such as Clinique, Curology, and Keihl’s are popularly known for making customized skincare products.

Monochromatic makeup :- This is the top fashion these days and I’m sure you’ve seen monochromatic makeup looks on the runway as well!This is bound to create an alluring look and make you stand out. Get out of your safe zone, this makeup look is all about going all out.

Transparent beauty :- Transparent beauty is another beauty trend for 2020 that has a lot of popularity. Consumers want to know how harmful chemicals in products that they are using are to their skin, body and the environment. They will not stand for misleading information and are calling for clearer definitions of what is considered safe and clean.

Facial oils :- We are living in an age where consumers are becoming more aware of what is in the products we consume and apply to our body. We’re learning more about the impacts of chemicals on our body and the environment which has caused a shift to more conscious consumption.
  • Coconut oil - Possibly the most famous natural skin care product, it is also the most versatile. Coconut oil can be ingested as well as applied topically and can cause a variety of beneficial effects on your skin.On top of that, coconut oil is an excellent antibiotic, letting you deal a serious blow to any bacteria, fungi, 
  • Tea tree oilTea tree oil works well as a natural anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal ingredient.For hundreds of years, many women have been using tea tree oil to treat breakouts, inflammation and redness on the skin. In the treatment of acne, tea tree is a well-tolerated ingredient without any side effects.
  • Argan oil - For hundreds of years, many women have been using tea tree oil to treat breakouts, inflammation and redness on the skin. In the treatment of acne, tea tree is a well-tolerated ingredient without any side effects.Many regard argan oil as a super skincare ingredient. This is so because it is rich in natural Vitamin E, essential fatty acids and antioxidants. It is effective in reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines as well as scarring and stretch marks. It also works well in fighting the early signs of sun damage and aging as well as enhancing the elasticity of the skin.
  • Apple cider vinegar - Another commonly known natural skin care product is apple cider vinegar. This substance contains a potent acetic acid, making it brilliant at skin cleansing, killing off fungi, bacteria, and other pathogens in the skin and is a capable stopper for acne. Apple cider vinegar’s beneficial effects even extend internally for when ingested, it promotes a healthy level of bacteria in the digestive tract and even optimises liver function. 
  • Coffee bean - No skin care solution is complete without a dose of antioxidants, and the coffee bean does exactly that. It apparently has a greater antioxidant capability than even green tea, and the studies surrounding the products seem to support that. In testing, it was proven that coffee bean products caused dramatic improvements in people who have developed wrinkles and pigmentation. We use this ingredient in our anti-aging night cream, and let’s just say, it’s amazing!
  • Rose hip oil - Rose hip oil is also known as rose hip seed oil. Rose oil, which is extracted from rose petals, rose hip oil is pressed from the fruit and seeds of the rose plant. Rose hip oil is loaded with skin-nourishing vitamins and essential fatty acids. It also contains phenol's that have been shown to have antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-fungal properties. Rose hip oil is often used as a carrier oil for essential oils which are too intense to put on your skin directly.


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